Our Community Social Action Committee asks you to support the final 2020 Drive-Thru Food Drive to benefit the Washington/Warren and New Milford Food Banks. The collection site will be the Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens (the side across from Town Hall). Best to come between 4 and 6 pm, if you don’t plan to participate in the Drive-Thru Holiday in the Depot.
The food banks have identified the following priorities: shelf stable food (cans, boxes, etc.) for the holidays, such as soups, corn bread mix, chili, stews, instant potatoes, gluten free and low sugar products. Also, they appreciate items not covered by food stamps (e.g. paper goods and personal care items.) Monetary donations are welcome (cash or checks made out to the First Congregational Church, with Food Drive in the memo).
On behalf of “WCOC” (Washington Council of Congregations) of which the Coalition is a member our Community Social Action Committee Chairs, Carolyn Setlow and Ilene Leff, thank you for your support.