The Washington Council of Congregations, of which the Coalition is a member, is sponsoring this food drive. The Washington/Warren Food Bank is experiencing an increasing need for donations. The drive will be held during Washington Depot’s annual “HOLIDAY IN THE DEPOT.” (See below.)
The food drive, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, will start a little earlier than the actual celebration to accommodate folks who might not want to drive in the dark. Please consider the different ways you might contribute to this good effort: goods, money and/or time.
Non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies, personal care products and pet food will be gratefully accepted; cash donations and checks can be made out to the “Washington/Warren Food Bank.”
If you are willing to volunteer for a 1 or 2 hour shift between 4:00-8:00 pm on Friday, December 8 or — if you can help with the unloading of the trailer at the Congregational Church at about 8:00 pm, please notify Carolyn Setlow.
All and any support is most needed and welcome, thank you.