To the Coalition and Greater Community:
We will gather this year on the High Holy Days as we have for the past three decades. Virtual options for our holiday services will remain for members who are visiting family or who do not live in the immediate area, but we are eager to be together and to enjoy the communal nature of these holidays.
I hope that the coming month is one of exploration — of possibilities, of potential and of purpose. I look forward to being with you. Until then, Jen, Talyah, Kol and I wish each of you a Shanah Tovah Umetukah — a sweet, joyful and happy New Year.
Shanah Tovah,
Rabbi James
Wednesday, October 2
Maariv (Evening) Service. 6:45 pm
Thursday, October 3
Shaharit (Morning) Service 10: am
Light Lunch Following Services
Tashlich Service Following Lunch
Friday, October 11
KOL NIDRE Service 6:45 pm
Saturday, October 12
Shaharit (Morning Service) 10:00 am
Yizkor Service 12:00 noon
Discussion/Meditation 5:15 pm
Ne’ila (Concluding Service) 6:15 pm
Havdalah 7:00 pm
Break Fast 7:30 pm
All are invited, there is no fee but donations are welcome. Join Us!