Greater Washington Coalition for Jewish Life

Speaker Series: “State of Antisemitism in America,” Myra-Clark-Siegel, Director of AJC Westchester/Fairfield


February 21, 2021    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Myra Clark-Siegel, Director of AJC (American Jewish Committee) Westchester/Fairfield, will discuss the AJC’s first-ever ” State of Antisemitism in America” report, released on October 20, 2020. The document describes deep anxiety among American Jews, and a disturbing lack of awareness among the general public about the severity of antisemitism in the United States.  Parallel surveys of American Jews and the U.S. general public reveal widely divergent views regarding Jew-hatred in America.  Join us, for what will certainly be another fascinating Speaker Series session.

With gratitude to our generous Coalition sponsors.


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